- Construcon of amusement lakes and waterfront Construcon of wastewater treatment lagoons Construcon of municipal and industrial waste landfills Construcon of drinking water reservoirs
- Construcon of arficial lakes
- Construcon of pisciculture pounds
- Industrial, mineral and chemical contaminant factories Construcon of water channels and rubber dams Construcon of agricultural pounds, etc.
- Construcon of retenon pounds in order to produce sediments.
- Insulaon and sealing tunnels, underpass or underground structures such as subway
- Decreasing the construcon costs compared to other methods
- Fast operaon
- Easy insulaon compared to concrete and clay surfaces
- Easy operaon for lakes, tanks, pound etc.
- Flexibility against dynamic forces such as earthquakes and asymmetric subsiding
- Desirable resistance against climac and environmental factors and UV rays
- No decay and destrucon in the vicinity of soil and moisture (special insulaon for underground structures and subways) Accurate quality control possibility and perfect insulaon
- Possibility of easier and faster repair and maintenance at the me of operaon
- GCL (Geosynthec Clay Liner)
- GCLs is another type of Geosynthec products made out of one or more Geotexle layers and a layers containing bentonite materials.