Faraz Andishan Rastin Company (Farco), specialist in epoxy flooring by providing epoxy raw materials such as resin and hardener, consisting of competent managers and experienced staff and developing a comprehensive and long-term vision; In order to achieve ideas in line with the country's economic plans in order to promote self-sufficiency, it considers itself obliged to identify the needs of the country's industry with the efforts, commitment and national determination of domestic specialists and experts in its research units and by looking at the long-standing experiences and Presenting new and effective ideas, with a new movement related to your field of activity.
In this regard, by choosing and selecting modern, innovative plans in the project management, design and execution department, it has a colorful presence in the Islamic homeland and has increased its competitive power with foreign markets, and strives to provide expert and committed forces for Exploitation of Iranian capabilities in various fields of production, distribution, implementation and continuous improvement of service quality and customer satisfaction. Therefore, this company hopes to take an effective step towards contributing to the independence and progress of Islamic Iran with its double efforts.
The most powerful performer of epoxy and polyurethane flooring
The future of Farco
In the field of foreign trade, with reliable and foreign agencies, we are ready to supply and supply raw materials, chemicals, machinery, spare parts or equipment requested by large oil, gas, petrochemical industries, refineries, mines, automotive industries, factories, Agricultural, pharmaceutical, food and other industries and in the field of exports, based on the development of domestic production and the export of Iranian goods, including petrochemical, mineral and agricultural materials, to the countries of the region and the world, it follows its export policies in a planned manner. .
Farco company activity
Faraz Andishan Rastin Company (FARCO) is active in the field of production, execution, technical and engineering, and commerce in line with the goals of the statesmen of our beloved country. The most important of these activities are in the field of technical and engineering and implementation in the fields of supply and presentation of polymer and chemical products in line with the needs of industries and industrial projects inside the country in various sectors of the oil, gas, petrochemical, water and sewage, sanitary, pharmaceutical, mining and It is steel, marine and construction (in the fields of flooring, thermal insulation, paint and resin, etc.).